Postseason Basketball Tickets
Operating Board
2024-25 Operating Board Members

Left: Allison Goertz ’02 (Chair, First Mennonite Church), Troy Roth ’88 (at-large), Ella Walker (Rosedale Network rep), Nick Detweiler-Stoddard ’03 (Washington Mennonite Church pastor rep), Gretchen Yoder ’99 (West Union Mennonite Church), Joel Beachy ’98 (East Union Mennonite Church pastor rep), Heather Bender ’02 (Washington Mennonite Church) , Sid Rowland (Lower Deer Creek Mennonite Church), Robin Schrock ’88 (Kalona Mennonite Church), Sarah Yoder (Secretary, East Union Mennonite Church)
When do they meet?
Regular meetings are held on the second Monday of each month in the Bible classroom. The meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are open to the public. Contact the Hillcrest Academy Operating Board at