International Students

International Students

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It’s often said that Hillcrest Academy is more than a school. That’s why when we welcome international students to our campus, we’re inviting you to join our classes, our teams, our community, our family. This school year we’re enjoying students from China and Nigeria. This cultural exchange and learning from each other enhances the Hillcrest atmosphere. Come join us in Kalona, Iowa. We can’t wait to meet you!


International students are a vibrant part of the Hillcrest community. We feel that the diversity international students bring to campus enhances the education of all of our students. The difference between Hillcrest and other diverse schools is that, at Hillcrest, there is engagement with those who have different perspectives. We recognize that many individuals from a variety of denominations and faith traditions agree with our basic Anabaptist-Mennonite values. It is important to celebrate and encourage opportunities for diversity at school. When we interact with others from different parts of the world, it helps us gain a global perspective and leads to a more dynamic faith.  

Recent students have come from the following countries: Albania, Armenia, China, Ecuador, Germany, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Montenegro, Russia, South Korea, Tajikistan, Turkey, Ukraine and Vietnam.

Duolingo Tests | To help make things easier for our international students, we are now allowing testing from Duolingo. Please click on the link below to sign up for your test. 

Duolingo English Test
Minimum score: 100
The Duolingo English Test is an online English proficiency test that can be taken online, on-demand, in under an hour for only $49. The test is taken via a computer with a camera and includes a proficiency score, video interview, and writing sample which are shared with Hillcrest Academy when you send your results. Certified results are available within 48 hours of the test session.