Online Registration

Online Registration

Complete online registration by clicking the button above that applies to your student.

The majority of required forms will be included in the above online registration form. Because of this, please allow extra time to complete the form.


Please see the Parent & Student Information section below for important information about the upcoming school year.

Below are forms NOT included in the above registration form: forms for new families, free and reduced lunch information, athletic forms, and transportation forms.

IF YOU LIVE IN THE MP SCHOOL DISTRICT, and your child needs busing to school. They could ride on Sue Schweinfurth or Kathy Miller’s bus routes (northern routes- Iowa/Johnson county line, Frytown area, east of Hwy 1) you can use the MP bus system. Please complete this form in order to sign your child up for MP transportation. 

Completed registration forms can be emailed to Amy Tackaberry: