Hillcrest Info Packet

Hillcrest Info Packet

Choosing a high school for your teen involves a great deal of research and comparison. You’re trying to help them prepare for their life goals after graduation, but you also want them to have fun and enjoy the next four years. That means finding the right balance of academic rigor and college-prep alongside exciting extracurriculars and opportunities for them to develop healthy friendships.

As you consider what the right balance looks like for your family, we hope you find this resource helpful as you consider high school programs in southeast Iowa! 

Click Here to View Your Hillcrest Info Packet

At Hillcrest Academy, we’ve seen many teens benefit from a big campus experience in our intimate, thriving community. If you think this sounds like something your teen is interested in, check out our Why Hillcrest Academy webpage which shows how you could take the next step on this journey of discovery.

Have questions? We’d love to chat!

Rebecca Beachy Miller
Director of Enrollment
(319) 656-2073 x200 office
(319) 631-2461 cell