Seeking God during the season of Lent: Chapels March 6-10

Seeking God during the season of Lent: Chapels March 6-10

For two of the chapels this week, we worked with the theme of Lent.

On Monday, Lee Ebersole led us in the observance of Ash Wednesday. The day that our service of Ash Wednesday was scheduled, February 22, school was cancelled, so we moved it to this day. We are created from dust and in the image of God. Lent is a time in which we can reflect on how we can best live out being created in God’s image. We were given an opportunity to apply ashes on us to symbolize our commitment to attending to our relationships with God, others, ourselves, and all of creation.

Tuesday’s chapel was spent in our small groups.

On Wednesday, we spent time writing Affirmation Notes to others at Hillcrest Academy. All were encouraged to write to those who might need encouragement.

Thursday’s chapel was a hymn sing in the Celebration Hall foyer. The songs that were sung were associated with seeking God during the season of Lent.

Friday’s chapel featured a speaker from India. Velu is a friend of George and Marilyn Hansen who live in Kalona. His home is in India where he ministers to many people.