Woman at the well experiences transformation – Chapel Feb. 24-28

Woman at the well experiences transformation – Chapel Feb. 24-28

Our emphasis in chapel the week of February 24 through 28 was the story of the woman at the well and the transformation that happened through her interaction with Jesus from John 4. 

On Monday, we read through John 4:1-42, the story of the woman at the well. Discussion questions were then provided for groups to talk through. Some questions that were discussed were; how does the story represent crossing barriers? When have we felt like an outsider and what was helpful for us in that situation?

Tuesday’s chapel time was spent in small groups. The opportunity was given to continue discussing the questions about the woman at the well.

On Wednesday, we observed Ash Wednesday, the start of the Lenten season. Deacon Derick Cranston of the local Catholic Cluster Parishes and chair of the Council of Mid-Prairie Churches led us in the service. Ashes represent our humanity and our confessing our need for the presence and grace of Jesus.

Thursday’s chapel featured Meg Wagner from the Episcopal Diocese of Iowa and mother of music teacher Mike Wagner. Meg shared with us from the story of the woman at the well. As she shared, she showed pictures from various artists depicting the conversation of the woman and Jesus. Through this interchange the woman was transformed, and not just her, but her village as well. 

Friday’s chapel was led by the Hillcrest Praise Band.