
Kennedy Hendrika Roth
SPORTS: Cross Country (9,12); Golf (9,10); FINE ARTS: Chorale (9,10); Touring Choir (11,12); Concert Choir (11,12); Acapella Group (11); Band (9,10,11,12); Fall Drama or Musical Cast (9,10,11,12); Spring Drama or Musical Cast (9,10,11,12); CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS: Banquet Committee Head (11); Compassion Club (10,11,12); FFA Member (9,10,11,12); FFA Officer (11,12); Math Club (12), National Honors Society (11,12); Physics Olympics (11); Reflector Staff (9,10,11); Youth Salute (12); Y-CO Class Representative (12); Y-CO Leadership Team (12); 4-H Club (9,10,11,12); Tech Aid (11); Piano Student (9)
Parents: Troy & Jenny Roth
Post Hillcrest Academy plans: Blackhawk Community College then Iowa State, major Veterinary Medicine
Hobbies/interests: I ride horses competitively, I play the piano, guitar, and ukulele
Favorite Bible story/verse: The creation story (Genesis 1-2: 1-3)
What 3 words describe you?: Ambitious, Adventurous, Kind
Talk about your Hillcrest experience and give words of wisdom to the underclassmen: I have had a great experience at Hillcrest, the students and faculty here are like another family. Some advice I would give to underclassmen is: try to join different groups and extracurricular while at Hillcrest, it’s a great way to make memories with your classmates.