Chapel focuses on kindness and learning from other cultures
Our chapel theme over this time period was based on the story of Ruth from the Old Testament book of Ruth. Ruth was from Moab, a country different from Israel. Yet she is known for her kindness and being part of the lineage of King David and Jesus. Our emphasis was both kindness and, in light of International Education Week, learning from and appreciating other cultures.
On Wednesday, November 13, we focused on the story of Ruth and introduced our themes for the next time period.
Thursday’s chapel was an opportunity for students to express kindness and appreciation for others as we wrote affirmation notes to others.
On Friday, we talked about small acts of kindness. After viewing a video of the ripple effect of kindness, students in small groups were encouraged to choose one or two acts of kindness from a list and commit to doing that over the weekend.
On Monday, November 18th, we heard from 11th grader Jimmy Yusef. Jimmy is from Nigeria and is here at Hillcrest for one year through the World Link program. He shared about his country and then had a question and answer time.
Tuesday’s chapel was in small groups.
On Wednesday, two of Sierra Cheney’s friends from the Middle East shared about their experience of coming to Iowa from Iran to study and becoming followers of Jesus.
For Thursday’s chapel, we heard from another of Sierra’s friends who is from Sudan. She shared about her experiences in Sudan and then coming to Iowa.
Friday’s chapel wrapped up the week with Trevor from Pensacola Christian College in Pensacola, Florida. Trevor shared about opportunities to continue education that are at PCC.
On Monday, November 25, we continued with our theme of international education with hosting Peter Wigginton, a missionary in Ecuador. Peter led a song in Spanish and talked about the work that he and his wife are involved in there in Quito, Ecuador.
Tuesday’s chapel was in small groups.
The Hillcrest Praise Band led in worship through song on Wednesday.